Elevate your portfolio with Biotis® DHA Flex Powders
Available in both vegan and vegetarian variants
Download the brochureSetting the new standard for DHA gummies
Our gummies are the best tasting DHA application you ever had. Find out what makes our gummies unrivaled in quality and taste.
Microencapsulated efficiency at its best
DHA is an omega-3 that provides multifaceted benefits such as supporting brain, eye, and cardiovascular health, plus recovery from exercise. Crafted with precision, Biotis® DHA Flex Powders is an algae-derived solution with a neutral sensory profile and exceptional stability and solubility, offering freedom of versatility in formulation options.
Ready to master the art of Omega-3 innovation?
Free webinar
Biotis® DHA FlexP 15 – Biotis
Biotis® DHA FlexP 20 – Vegetarian
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