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Solutions to nourish mind and brain

From sleep and mood, to mental focus, clarity and agility, Biotis® Brain health offers supporting solutions.

Meet our newest solution

Introducing Biotis® DHA Flex Powders

DHA is an omega-3 that provides multifaceted benefits including supporting brain, eye and cardiovascular health, plus recovery from exercise. Biotis® DHA Flex Powders offer food, drink and supplement producers an algae-derived DHA solution in vegan or vegetarian powder formats. Crafted with precision, the Biotis® DHA Flex Powder range includes Biotis® DHA FlexP 15, which delivers a consistent 15% DHA load for vegan formulations, and a vegetarian variant, Biotis® DHA FlexP 20, that uses dairy proteins in the powder matrix and provides a 20% DHA load.

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Biotis® DHA FlexP 15
Biotis® DHA FlexP 20

Healthy mind, healthy body

The social taboos that once surrounded mental health are fast disappearing, as consumers recognise the importance of mental wellbeing and its link with overall health.

In an increasingly uncertain world, people are more and more aware that an inability to relax and unwind is something that can impact their health, beyond simply influencing mood and energy levels. 57% of consumers say that they suffer from feelings of stress1, and as they become more educated about the holistic nature of wellbeing, are actively seeking safe, natural ways to support their mental health, addressing issues such as stress, anxiety and sleep disruption.

Biotis® Brain health is developing a spectrum of solutions for different aspects of mental and cognitive health. Solutions to help people’s moods and sleep patterns, to think more clearly and focus better, to age healthily and to become more resilient to the pressures of life.

1 FMCG Gurus Top Trend 5 – Re-evaluating Health Explored 2020.

Introducing Biotis®

Biotis® Brain health develops ingredients and solutions for sleep and mood, to mental focus, clarity and agility.
To support sleep, we developed Biotis® SleepWell, a holistic solution for adults who want to improve their sleep quality in a natural way. Based on a formulation of prebiotics* and protein, to help with falling asleep, sleeping through the night and waking up fresh.

*The scientific definition of a prebiotic is “A substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit.” Gibson, GR., et al. Expert consensus document: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the definition and scope of prebiotics. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Aug;14(8): 491–502. Whether the claim prebiotic can be used on consumer products depends on local legislation.

Sleep, wellbeing and
quality of life

Consumers are more health conscious and recognise that all elements of their wellbeing are interconnected. They increasingly understand that nutrition, sleep and exercise are inextricably linked.

We humans spend up to one third of our life sleeping. On average, that amounts to a considerable 26 years. More surprisingly perhaps, we spend seven years trying to get to sleep.

Sleep is a basic human need, like eating and drinking, and is a hugely important factor in living a long, healthy and productive life.

Sleeping well is essential to our well-being and quality of life. It allows our body to recover naturally from stress, and to repair itself ready for the day ahead1. A good night’s sleep helps you to stay alert, active and feeling at your best.

However, figures show that many of us don’t sleep well. In fact, over 35% of the global population has sleep problems2.

1RAND, 2017; 2National Library of Medicine, NIH, Feb 2021.

The health and economic costs of poor sleep

Sleep deprivation is a serious issue. Because not enough sleep or poor-quality sleep can lead to all manner of health issues in both the short and longer term1. Next-day negative effects can include lack of energy, clumsiness, impaired attention span and memory recall1.

Further down the line, sleep deprivation has been associated with many serious health problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression, obesity, diabetes, weakened immune system and lower life expectancy2.

The knock-on effects are profound too. Fatigue adversely affects our moods and our relationships, it can mean we don’t perform as we should at school or at work, and it can lead to costly mistakes and accidents1-2.

Across five prominent OECD countries, inadequate sleep is estimated to cost a combined US$680 billion a year, due to lost productivity, medical expenses, sick leave and environmental damage. This equates to an average of 2% of GDP3.

1 Krause, 2017; 2 NSF,, 2020, NHS, 2018.

The demand for sleep aids and remedies is soaring

As sleep becomes one of the hot topics of the age, consumers are becoming more and more aware of how important it is to their health.

One in four (25%) say that they typically get less than five hours sleep in the average night. This is much lower than the recommended eight hours per day. Overall, nine in ten consumers have taken steps to try and improve their sleep patterns1.

1 FMCG Gurus Insights & Opportunities – Global Stress and Sleep Management 2020.

So unsurprisingly, consumers are searching for effective solutions — ways to help them enjoy uninterrupted, beneficial sleep, night after night. The past few years have witnessed a rapid growth in the sleep aid category.

It’s estimated the market for sleep aids and remedies is growing 30% year on year2 and this figure is expected to rise steadily in the near future.

2, January 2019.

How the gut helps us to sleep well

Experts believe that the gut microbiome can affect our quality of sleep by disturbing our sleep-wake cycle, our circadian rhythm, and the hormones that regulate wakefulness and sleep1.

A recent study has shown that greater diversity of bacteria in the gut could improve sleep quality at night and alleviate sleepiness during the day2.

As world-leading experts in gut health, we’re developing solutions on the findings of solid scientific research.

1 Zhang et al., 2017, Benedict et al., 2016, Smith et al., 2019, Poroyko et al., 2016, Thompson et al., 2017; 2 Kate E Sprecher et al., 2019

Gut-brain axis

The evidence indicates that micro-organisms and circadian genes interact with each other via the gut-brain axis, and this could influence the sleep-wake cycle. A prebiotic3* such as Biotis® GOS could play a role in the support of the gut microbiome, keeping it healthy, and in turn promoting better sleep4,5.


3 ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics), Gibson et al., 2017: *Substrates that are selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit; 4 Poroyko et al., 2016, 5 Thompson et al., 2017.

Friendly bacteria

Research shows that GOS may help with the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria6 in the gut. Studies suggest that these friendly gut bacteria may reduce stress7,8 and anxiety symptoms9,10, which are thought to hamper a good night’s sleep.

6 Walton et al., 2012; 7 Thompson et al., 2020, 8 Schmidt et al., 2015; 9 Johnstone et al., 2019, 10 Silk, et al., 2009.


Amino-acids from protein can encourage neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and melatonin, which are associated with the sleep-wake cycle. What’s more, they can act as building blocks to support processes that help us to recover well during the night so we feel fresh in the morning11.

11 Valtonen et al., 2005.


Not having enough of the right micronutrients in your system can result in poor sleep quality12-13. The formula we are developing helps to supplement essential micronutrients which in turn may encourage restful sleep14-17.

12 Institute-of-Medicine, 1998a, 13 Gao et al., 2018, 14 Ji, Grandner, & Liu, 2017; 15 Sabir et al., 2018, 16 Gao et al., 2018, 17 Held et al., 2002, 18 Nielsen et al., 2010.

Consumer Insight

At FrieslandCampina Ingredients, we’re leading worldwide research into natural, non-addictive sleep solutions. We have established a dedicated team to create a compelling product range that will appeal to consumers and dovetail with their lifestyles.

We consider sleep as part of the ‘golden triangle’ of human health. It’s the balance of nutritious food, regular exercise and sleeping well that is the key to living a long and healthy life. With decades of experience in developing high-performance nutritional products for adults, infants and elite athletes, we’re now turning our attention to products that can help all of us to sleep better.

Research by the Biotis® team identified that people are looking for natural solutions that fit with their lifestyles and evening routine. Our studies found a clear preference for a night-time shot1.

1 Online questionnaire by FCI, Biotis™ team, 2018 (on request, not publicly available).

Biotis® SleepWell — a holistic approach to sleep

We’ve created and piloted a unique, natural solution; one that provides a threefold benefit to people who want to improve their sleep.

Biotis® SleepWell’s unique, natural formula offers the triple benefit of helping people to fall asleep naturally, to sleep through the night and to wake up feeling refreshed. This threefold action of proteins, micronutrients and Biotis® GOS prebiotic1* means that they are buying a superior, holistic sleep product. It is safe, effective and non-addictive.

A recent study has shown that Biotis® SleepWell helps support the stimulation of intestinal Bifidobacteria levels and helps support normal sleep quality in adults with moderate sleep disturbances.2

View applications

1 ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics), Gibson et al., 2017: *Substrates that are selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit. 2 Schaafsma et al. 2021

Stress and modern-day life

The frantic, full-on nature of 21st-century life can create stress, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns for many of us. The imperative to cram as many activities into the day as possible means people may struggle to slow down and relax.

Stress is one of our body’s natural processes, helping us to push ourselves and maintain our performance during the day. It has helped to keep us sharp and alert for centuries.

But just as with many things in life, too much stress is bad for our health. It can trigger anxiety and lead to many other health complications.

Increased awareness
of mental health

Fortunately, the stigma that once surrounded mental health is fading fast. People recognise that health is a holistic proposition. That body and mind (and indeed gut) are all interrelated — one affects the other. Consumers are becoming ever more aware of their overall health and well-being.

Mental health is an issue for all ages, but younger people are particularly vulnerable. Social media, peer pressure, uncertainty about the future create a cocktail of factors that can trigger stress and anxiety.

Solutions for stress & anxiety

‘Functional’ food and drink has become a huge market across the world. In the past year, 50% of global consumers have upped their consumption of food or drink that come with specific health claims1. And almost 60% of consumers worldwide say they are interested in health products to reduce their stress levels2.

People want nutritious functional food that is natural and non-addictive. That is readily available in handy formats that fit seamlessly with their everyday lives.

At the same time, there’s more scientific evidence of the role of the gut microbiome not just in improving digestion and absorption of nutrients, but in systemic health and well-being.

So, could the gut-brain axis be a key to alleviating stress and anxiety?

1 Innova Lifestyle and Wellness Survey 2020
2 FMCG Gurus Jun 2020

Introducing Biotis® GOS

GOS (or Galacto-Oligosaccharides) are unique, natural dairy-derived ingredients that 1-7:

• May aid in building mental resilience
• Can support maintaining mental balance
• Can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety

The gut microbiota send signals to the brain by several means, and thereby can for example, impact mental well-being. Studies suggest that ‘friendly’ bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, may reduce stress and anxiety symptoms, which could help people sleep better and create a virtuous circle of well-being. Biotis® GOS has been shown to stimulate Bifidobacteria as present in the gut-microbiota1-2.

References:1Johnstone N et al, 2019; 2Schmidt K et al, 2015; 3Burokas A et al, 2017; 4Walton et al, 2018; 5Shadid R et al, 2007; 6Codagnone MG et al, 2019 7Schaafsma et al, 2020. Final language determined by customer pending regulatory and legal review. Not validated with consumers. These potential health benefits should not be considered health claims. They should be considered as potential leads that might be developed into health claims complying with the local legal requirements. This information is intended for Business to Business customers only, not for consumers.

The gut-brain axis

The gut microbiota plays an important role in the bi-directional communication between the gut and the brain via the so-called gut-brain axis. The central nervous system impacts gastro-intestinal function and the gut microbiota, but the gut microbiota can also affect the central nervous system through several direct and indirect pathways.

Pathways that underly the communication of the gut microbiota with the brain include:

Immune: Interaction of the gut microbiota with immune cells stimulates the production of cytokines that circulate to the brain.

Neural: Interaction of the gut microbiota with enteroendocrine cells creates neuroactive molecules that interact with the vagus nerve, signalling the brain.

Endocrine: The gut microbiota produces metabolites like neurotransmitters and SCFAs which can circulate to the brain.

By targeting the gut microbiota, you could exert a positive impact on the gut brain-axis and, thus, on mental well-being, reducing stress and anxiety.

Cryan et al 2012

The effect of Biotis® GOS

A clinical research study1 has been published, which showed that:
Taking Biotis® GOS positively affected the gut microbiota, especially with regard to increasing the levels of beneficial Bifidobacterium.

Participants who took Biotis® GOS became less anxious, especially those who previously had high levels of anxiety.

There was also a change in overt behavioural response towards emotional stimuli among the study group2.

1 Johnstone et al 2021; 2 The study group comprised 64 females aged 17–24, taking a four-week course of Biotis® GOS or a placebo (maltodextrin).

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Privacy Policy

FrieslandCampina Privacy Statement

Every day Royal FrieslandCampina provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy products containing valuable nutrients. At FrieslandCampina, we feel responsible to protect the personal data of our consumers and business partners and to safeguard your privacy. We believe in the importance of keeping our services transparent, personal and reliable. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this Privacy statement, which we developed to inform you about the way we collect, use and protect your information.

1 About This Privacy Statement

This Privacy statement describes the collection and use of your personal information by FrieslandCampina group companies in Europe. It applies whenever one of our websites, mobile apps, social media pages or hardcopy forms redirects you to this statement on This Privacy statement does not apply to the use of your personal information by websites that are not operated by FrieslandCampina, even though links to these websites may be included on ours.
This Privacy statement may change when prompted by new developments. FrieslandCampina advises you to read this Privacy statement regularly, in order to stay up to date on any changes. In case of major changes, we endeavour to inform you pro-actively.
This Privacy statement was last updated on 9 March 2018.

2 AT A GLANCE – How We Use Your Information

Click on the following topics to find out how we are using your personal information. Also take a moment to read the MORE INFORMATION section below to find out about:

  • Sharing and receiving your information with others
  • Storing your information
  • Using your information to improve our products and services
  • Using your information to build profiles
  • Using personal information of children
  • Your privacy rights

2.1 Contacting Customer Service

If you contact our customer service by telephone, email, social media or by completing an online form, we register your query in our customer service database. We also register your name, address, telephone number, email address and all other personal data provided by you.
We only use the data to respond to you, handling your complaints and, after removing all items that relate to you, for improving our products and services.
Your personal information will be stored for no more than two years.

 2.2 Subscribing to a Newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletters or leave your phone number for this purpose, your name, email address and phone number will be used to inform you about FrieslandCampina products, and related promotions and events. You may choose to give us more details, such as your age, gender or profession. We also store your interaction with our newsletters, for instance whether you opened the email or clicked on items in the newsletter. We use this information to get to know you better and to personalise our newsletters, for example by:

  • Showing events that are organized in your region
  • Highlighting products or offers based on your age, gender or consumption behaviour
  • Sending a special offer on your birthday

We also use the information to display advertisements of our products that may be interesting to you on third-party websites, like Facebook and Google.
In case you also interact with us via contests and events, join our loyalty programmes or order online, we add this information to your newsletter profile.
We keep you on our mailing lists until you choose to unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each newsletter. You can also send an email to If you want to keep receiving newsletters but do not agree to us sharing your information for displaying advertisements, send us an email too.

2.3 Participating in Contests, Events and Loyalty Programmes

You can take part in our contests and events. Examples are our prize contests, cashback actions, (free) samples, sweepstakes, loyalty programmes and organised excursions to farms.
We collect your personal data, such as your name, address, email address and age. Your information is used to confirm your registration, to verify eligibility and to execute the event. If you subscribe to a newsletter when taking part in an event, we link the information to your (newsletter) profile.
In addition this Privacy statement, campaigns or promotions may be governed by additional privacy terms. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with such terms before participating in any such campaigns or promotions.
Your information will be stored as long as the contest or event is running, and a bit longer to be able to analyse data and measure effectiveness. This will never exceed two years after the event is closed, though.

2.4 Ordering Online

If you choose to buy our products in our web shops, we use your information to conclude your order, to ship the products and to contact you in relation to your order.
We register your contact and payment details, such as name, address, email address, account, bank account number and credit card details. We also store your purchase history and payment history.
Your information will be stored for two years. Your transactional information (wire transfer details), will be stored longer to comply with laws.

2.5 Visiting Our Websites & Using Our Apps

When you are using our websites or apps, we collect technical information about your device and your interaction with our websites and apps.
We collect information such as:

The IP address of your device

Information on the operating system and browser of your device

Your interaction with our websites, apps and online advertisements

If the website you visit or the app you use enables login, we also connect the information to your personal account (like your web shop or loyalty programme account), to optimise your browsing experience and provide you relevant information across all channels. Find out more about how we’re using your information to build profiles in section 3.4 below.


We use cookies to collect the information. Cookies are small data files that are created on the device you use to visit our website. Cookies prevent you from repeatedly providing your data, specifying your choices or putting products in your shopping basket. They allow us to show you advertisements of our products on third-party websites. So, your information also becomes available to the other parties involved in publishing our advertisements. We will always seek your consent, before using these type of cookies.
Cookies used for advertising are stored on your device for a maximum of twelve months following your last visit. You can always disable cookies yourself or delete them from your device. You can find all details in our Cookie statement. If you choose to delete cookies, our website may not operate as optimally as before, and some services may no longer be available to you.

Geolocation / GPS

We also use your geolocation in some of our apps, but only when you have enabled this. We use your device’s GPS signal to push certain content to your device, such as a movie, loyalty points or website links when you’re near a specific location or in a geographic location.
We do not store your historical locations. We only use your last known location. We store your visits to geographic areas which were marked for specific campaigns or events (such as the Campina Farm Days). This information is deleted when the campaign or event is finished. You can switch off sharing location/GPS data in your (mobile) device settings at any time.

2.6 Taking Part in Panels, Tastings & Surveys

If you choose to take part in one of our consumer panels, tastings or surveys, we use your input to improve our products and services. We value your opinion, as it enables us to bring high-quality dairy products to our consumers.
If you occasionally take part in a panel, tasting event or survey on the street or at one of our business partners, FrieslandCampina normally does not collect and use identifying information like your name, address or contact details. We may ask for, or use, information like age and gender to be able to analyse your input and successfully market our products.
If you take part in an online survey to give your opinion about our products, such as when clicking on a link to a survey in one of our newsletters, we will use your identifying information by:
Linking surveys to your (loyalty) account to automatically capture gender, age and region
Connecting your opinion to your consumption behaviour, which is stored in your profile
This enables us to obtain more valuable input from you and to better understand your preferences. Apart from improving our products, we also add this information to your profile. Find out more about how we build profiles in the MORE INFORMATION section below.

2.7 Interaction Via Social Media

On your social media pages

When you communicate with us via social media (Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and so on), we will receive some of your information. You can communicate on our social media pages by:

  • Placing a comment or sending a message
  • Uploading media
  • Becoming a follower (by clicking on a “like” button or subscribing to a YouTube channel, for instance)
  • Participating in our contests and campaigns on social media (Facebook lead forms, for example)

We will receive information such as your (user) name, your profile photo, the place where you live, your email address and your gender. You can check your social media account settings and the social media privacy statements to find out more.
We use your information to respond to your comments and messages, to analyse and measure our consumer population and to enable you to participate in our contests and events.

On your social media pages

We also use social media to display advertisements. This is either based on the information the social media platform has collected from you or the information FrieslandCampina has collected from you, such as when you subscribe to our newsletters (see 2.2 above).

  • In case the social media platform has collected the information, FrieslandCampina does not get access to that information. As a result, we have no say in how the platform stores and uses the information. We recommend reading the conditions and privacy statements of your social media provider. They also often provide you with account settings or some other means to change your privacy settings.
  • In case we share your personal information, like your email address or phone number, the social media platform uses your information to include or exclude you from seeing a particular advertisement. Your information will be encrypted (hashed) when transferred to the social media platform. If you don’t have a profile on a particular platform, that platform won’t be able to decrypt the information and find out who you are.

We may also proactively contact you on social media if you’re connected to us or if you post a photo or video linked to FrieslandCampina or our products.
You can opt out at any time from sharing your information with social media platforms for advertising by sending an email to

2.8 Visiting Our Offices and Production Facilities

If you visit our business premises, we register your personal information, like your name, email address, date of birth, VCA, your organisation and, if needed and with your consent, an entry declaration for securing hygiene. The information may be collected digitally (through a portal) or physically by completing a form.
We use the data to safeguard the safety and health of our products and employees, in case of calamities and to exclude unauthorised access to our offices and production facilities.
Your personal information will be stored for no more than 1 year.

3 MORE INFORMATION – How We Use Your Information

3.1 Sharing & Receiving Your Information With Others

Which other parties have access to your information?

FrieslandCampina does not sell your information to others, but we make personal information available to partners that work with us to provide products and services, or that help us market to customers. Whether your information is provided to these partners depends on the nature of your interaction with us:

  • Email marketing partners, to send you our newsletters, call or text you
  • Order fulfilment partners, to ship products to you
  • Payment providers, to administer your (ordering products) and our (cashback) payments
  • Media agencies, to manage our website and apps and to display advertisements on the internet
  • Marketing agencies, to assist us in organising contests, promotions, loyalty programme and other events
  • Companies that assist us in analysing customer data and building profiles
  • Social media platforms, to show you our advertisements

Our partners only use your information under our instructions. We take measures to ensure that your information is used only for the purposes described in this Privacy statement.
Where necessary, we also share your information with FrieslandCampina group companies.

Personal data will only be provided to supervisory bodies, fiscal authorities and/or investigating authorities if FrieslandCampina is obliged to do so by law.

From which other parties do we receive your information?

FrieslandCampina does not collect your personal information from others without you knowing about it first. If we receive information from others, we always ensure that we have your consent for receiving and using the information.

3.2 Storing Your Information

We use various systems and databases to store your personal information. Some are managed by FrieslandCampina and others by our partners (see 3.1 above). Because we fully understand the importance of keeping your information secure, we have taken various technical and organisational measures to protect your information against loss or improper use. Our systems and applications are protected according to the applicable standards for information protection.
Most personal information is stored within the European Union. If personal information is passed on to recipients in countries outside the European Union, we will take additional measures to protect your information.

3.3 Using Your Information to Improve Our Products and Services

FrieslandCampina uses the information you provide to us to measure, analyse and improve our:

  • Products, based on your feedback
  • Websites and apps, based on your use
  • Newsletters, based on your interaction
  • Contests and events, based on your participation
  • Advertising, based on your interaction with them

Your information will be anonymised before it is used. We’re not interested in your particular situation but rather in trends and aggregated data.

3.4 Using Your Information to Build Profiles

If you subscribe to our newsletters, create an account on our website, use our apps or take part in our contests and events, we create a profile for you. This enables us to get to know you and do more effective marketing and communication. It allows you to receive communications according to your interests and preferences.
This is how we build profiles:

  • We link your surfing behaviour on our websites and apps to your profile
  • We link your purchases in our web shops to your profile
  • We connect data concerning your participation in contests, events, loyalty programmes and online surveys to your profile
  • We mark your (possible) interests in your profile, based on the information above and demographic information, data resulting from market research and your interactions with us

If you would prefer us not to make profiles, or you’d like to correct or update your interests and preferences, feel free to send an email to

3.5 Personal Data of Children

We understand the importance of safeguarding the privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal data of children without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We ask children who are under the age of 16 and who are using our websites or apps in a way that requires them to submit personal data, to ask their parent or guardian to consent to submitting that data.
We may set age limits to participate in sweepstakes or other promotions. This restriction will then be mentioned in the terms and conditions of these activities. We may ask for certain personal data, like date of birth, to carry out age verification checks and enforce any such age restrictions.

3.6 Your Privacy Rights
Requests for access, correction and removal of your data

If you want to know what information we store about you, just ask and we will send you an overview of your personal information. No costs will be charged. If the information turns out to be inaccurate—or in case it appears to be stored in violation of data protection laws—we will correct or delete it. If you have an account on our websites or apps, you can also update your information yourself.

Requests to stop using your data

You can also ask us to not use your information anymore or to stop using it in a particular way, like for building profiles or sharing it with social media platforms (see 3.4 above). If you have given consent for the use of your information, you can withdraw that consent.

Questions and complaints

If you have a question about this Privacy statement, please send an email to
If you have a complaint about the way we use your information or how we respond to your requests and questions related to privacy, you can also send a complaint to your national Data Protection Authority.

How to contact us and how we respond to your request

Requests can be made by clicking on the contact link on the website that forwarded you to this Privacy statement or publishes this statement. You can also go to the contact page of the FrieslandCampina corporate website (, look for your brand or product and find the contact details of the appropriate FrieslandCampina group company. Alternatively, send an email to by indicating your country and how you’ve been in touch with FrieslandCampina. We will channel your request to the appropriate group company.
We may decline requests if we cannot verify your identity, your request is unreasonable or unspecific or in case your request jeopardizes the privacy of others. We will reply to you anyhow within four weeks.


FrieslandCampina Privacy Statement

Every day Royal FrieslandCampina provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy products containing valuable nutrients. At FrieslandCampina, we feel responsible to protect the personal data of our consumers and business partners and to safeguard your privacy. We believe in the importance of keeping our services transparent, personal and reliable. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this Privacy statement, which we developed to inform you about the way we collect, use and protect your information.


Potential consumer benefits are not to be considered as health claims. They should be considered as potential leads that might be developed into health claims complying with the local legal requirements. The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, correct. The data outlined and the statements are intended only as a source of information. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made. On the basis of this information it is suggested that you evaluate the product on a laboratory scale prior to use in a finished product. The information contained herein should not be construed as permission for violation of patent right.

1 About This Privacy Statement

This Privacy statement describes the collection and use of your personal information by FrieslandCampina group companies in Europe. It applies whenever one of our websites, mobile apps, social media pages or hardcopy forms redirects you to this statement on This Privacy statement does not apply to the use of your personal information by websites that are not operated by FrieslandCampina, even though links to these websites may be included on ours.
This Privacy statement may change when prompted by new developments. FrieslandCampina advises you to read this Privacy statement regularly, in order to stay up to date on any changes. In case of major changes, we endeavour to inform you pro-actively.
This Privacy statement was last updated on 9 March 2018.

2 AT A GLANCE – How We Use Your Information

Click on the following topics to find out how we are using your personal information. Also take a moment to read the MORE INFORMATION section below to find out about:

  • Sharing and receiving your information with others
  • Storing your information
  • Using your information to improve our products and services
  • Using your information to build profiles
  • Using personal information of children
  • Your privacy rights

2.1 Contacting Customer Service

If you contact our customer service by telephone, email, social media or by completing an online form, we register your query in our customer service database. We also register your name, address, telephone number, email address and all other personal data provided by you.
We only use the data to respond to you, handling your complaints and, after removing all items that relate to you, for improving our products and services.
Your personal information will be stored for no more than two years.

 2.2 Subscribing to a Newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletters or leave your phone number for this purpose, your name, email address and phone number will be used to inform you about FrieslandCampina products, and related promotions and events. You may choose to give us more details, such as your age, gender or profession. We also store your interaction with our newsletters, for instance whether you opened the email or clicked on items in the newsletter. We use this information to get to know you better and to personalise our newsletters, for example by:

  • Showing events that are organized in your region
  • Highlighting products or offers based on your age, gender or consumption behaviour
  • Sending a special offer on your birthday

We also use the information to display advertisements of our products that may be interesting to you on third-party websites, like Facebook and Google.
In case you also interact with us via contests and events, join our loyalty programmes or order online, we add this information to your newsletter profile.
We keep you on our mailing lists until you choose to unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each newsletter. You can also send an email to If you want to keep receiving newsletters but do not agree to us sharing your information for displaying advertisements, send us an email too.

2.3 Participating in Contests, Events and Loyalty Programmes

You can take part in our contests and events. Examples are our prize contests, cashback actions, (free) samples, sweepstakes, loyalty programmes and organised excursions to farms.
We collect your personal data, such as your name, address, email address and age. Your information is used to confirm your registration, to verify eligibility and to execute the event. If you subscribe to a newsletter when taking part in an event, we link the information to your (newsletter) profile.
In addition this Privacy statement, campaigns or promotions may be governed by additional privacy terms. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with such terms before participating in any such campaigns or promotions.
Your information will be stored as long as the contest or event is running, and a bit longer to be able to analyse data and measure effectiveness. This will never exceed two years after the event is closed, though.

2.4 Ordering Online

If you choose to buy our products in our web shops, we use your information to conclude your order, to ship the products and to contact you in relation to your order.
We register your contact and payment details, such as name, address, email address, account, bank account number and credit card details. We also store your purchase history and payment history.
Your information will be stored for two years. Your transactional information (wire transfer details), will be stored longer to comply with laws.

2.5 Visiting Our Websites & Using Our Apps

When you are using our websites or apps, we collect technical information about your device and your interaction with our websites and apps.
We collect information such as:

The IP address of your device

Information on the operating system and browser of your device

Your interaction with our websites, apps and online advertisements

If the website you visit or the app you use enables login, we also connect the information to your personal account (like your web shop or loyalty programme account), to optimise your browsing experience and provide you relevant information across all channels. Find out more about how we’re using your information to build profiles in section 3.4 below.


We use cookies to collect the information. Cookies are small data files that are created on the device you use to visit our website. Cookies prevent you from repeatedly providing your data, specifying your choices or putting products in your shopping basket. They allow us to show you advertisements of our products on third-party websites. So, your information also becomes available to the other parties involved in publishing our advertisements. We will always seek your consent, before using these type of cookies.
Cookies used for advertising are stored on your device for a maximum of twelve months following your last visit. You can always disable cookies yourself or delete them from your device. You can find all details in our Cookie statement. If you choose to delete cookies, our website may not operate as optimally as before, and some services may no longer be available to you.

Geolocation / GPS

We also use your geolocation in some of our apps, but only when you have enabled this. We use your device’s GPS signal to push certain content to your device, such as a movie, loyalty points or website links when you’re near a specific location or in a geographic location.
We do not store your historical locations. We only use your last known location. We store your visits to geographic areas which were marked for specific campaigns or events (such as the Campina Farm Days). This information is deleted when the campaign or event is finished. You can switch off sharing location/GPS data in your (mobile) device settings at any time.

2.6 Taking Part in Panels, Tastings & Surveys

If you choose to take part in one of our consumer panels, tastings or surveys, we use your input to improve our products and services. We value your opinion, as it enables us to bring high-quality dairy products to our consumers.
If you occasionally take part in a panel, tasting event or survey on the street or at one of our business partners, FrieslandCampina normally does not collect and use identifying information like your name, address or contact details. We may ask for, or use, information like age and gender to be able to analyse your input and successfully market our products.
If you take part in an online survey to give your opinion about our products, such as when clicking on a link to a survey in one of our newsletters, we will use your identifying information by:
Linking surveys to your (loyalty) account to automatically capture gender, age and region
Connecting your opinion to your consumption behaviour, which is stored in your profile
This enables us to obtain more valuable input from you and to better understand your preferences. Apart from improving our products, we also add this information to your profile. Find out more about how we build profiles in the MORE INFORMATION section below.

2.7 Interaction Via Social Media

On your social media pages

When you communicate with us via social media (Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and so on), we will receive some of your information. You can communicate on our social media pages by:

  • Placing a comment or sending a message
  • Uploading media
  • Becoming a follower (by clicking on a “like” button or subscribing to a YouTube channel, for instance)
  • Participating in our contests and campaigns on social media (Facebook lead forms, for example)

We will receive information such as your (user) name, your profile photo, the place where you live, your email address and your gender. You can check your social media account settings and the social media privacy statements to find out more.
We use your information to respond to your comments and messages, to analyse and measure our consumer population and to enable you to participate in our contests and events.

On your social media pages

We also use social media to display advertisements. This is either based on the information the social media platform has collected from you or the information FrieslandCampina has collected from you, such as when you subscribe to our newsletters (see 2.2 above).

  • In case the social media platform has collected the information, FrieslandCampina does not get access to that information. As a result, we have no say in how the platform stores and uses the information. We recommend reading the conditions and privacy statements of your social media provider. They also often provide you with account settings or some other means to change your privacy settings.
  • In case we share your personal information, like your email address or phone number, the social media platform uses your information to include or exclude you from seeing a particular advertisement. Your information will be encrypted (hashed) when transferred to the social media platform. If you don’t have a profile on a particular platform, that platform won’t be able to decrypt the information and find out who you are.

We may also proactively contact you on social media if you’re connected to us or if you post a photo or video linked to FrieslandCampina or our products.
You can opt out at any time from sharing your information with social media platforms for advertising by sending an email to

2.8 Visiting Our Offices and Production Facilities

If you visit our business premises, we register your personal information, like your name, email address, date of birth, VCA, your organisation and, if needed and with your consent, an entry declaration for securing hygiene. The information may be collected digitally (through a portal) or physically by completing a form.
We use the data to safeguard the safety and health of our products and employees, in case of calamities and to exclude unauthorised access to our offices and production facilities.
Your personal information will be stored for no more than 1 year.

3 MORE INFORMATION – How We Use Your Information

3.1 Sharing & Receiving Your Information With Others

Which other parties have access to your information?

FrieslandCampina does not sell your information to others, but we make personal information available to partners that work with us to provide products and services, or that help us market to customers. Whether your information is provided to these partners depends on the nature of your interaction with us:

  • Email marketing partners, to send you our newsletters, call or text you
  • Order fulfilment partners, to ship products to you
  • Payment providers, to administer your (ordering products) and our (cashback) payments
  • Media agencies, to manage our website and apps and to display advertisements on the internet
  • Marketing agencies, to assist us in organising contests, promotions, loyalty programme and other events
  • Companies that assist us in analysing customer data and building profiles
  • Social media platforms, to show you our advertisements

Our partners only use your information under our instructions. We take measures to ensure that your information is used only for the purposes described in this Privacy statement.
Where necessary, we also share your information with FrieslandCampina group companies.

Personal data will only be provided to supervisory bodies, fiscal authorities and/or investigating authorities if FrieslandCampina is obliged to do so by law.

From which other parties do we receive your information?

FrieslandCampina does not collect your personal information from others without you knowing about it first. If we receive information from others, we always ensure that we have your consent for receiving and using the information.

3.2 Storing Your Information

We use various systems and databases to store your personal information. Some are managed by FrieslandCampina and others by our partners (see 3.1 above). Because we fully understand the importance of keeping your information secure, we have taken various technical and organisational measures to protect your information against loss or improper use. Our systems and applications are protected according to the applicable standards for information protection.
Most personal information is stored within the European Union. If personal information is passed on to recipients in countries outside the European Union, we will take additional measures to protect your information.

3.3 Using Your Information to Improve Our Products and Services

FrieslandCampina uses the information you provide to us to measure, analyse and improve our:

  • Products, based on your feedback
  • Websites and apps, based on your use
  • Newsletters, based on your interaction
  • Contests and events, based on your participation
  • Advertising, based on your interaction with them

Your information will be anonymised before it is used. We’re not interested in your particular situation but rather in trends and aggregated data.

3.4 Using Your Information to Build Profiles

If you subscribe to our newsletters, create an account on our website, use our apps or take part in our contests and events, we create a profile for you. This enables us to get to know you and do more effective marketing and communication. It allows you to receive communications according to your interests and preferences.
This is how we build profiles:

  • We link your surfing behaviour on our websites and apps to your profile
  • We link your purchases in our web shops to your profile
  • We connect data concerning your participation in contests, events, loyalty programmes and online surveys to your profile
  • We mark your (possible) interests in your profile, based on the information above and demographic information, data resulting from market research and your interactions with us

If you would prefer us not to make profiles, or you’d like to correct or update your interests and preferences, feel free to send an email to

3.5 Personal Data of Children

We understand the importance of safeguarding the privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal data of children without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We ask children who are under the age of 16 and who are using our websites or apps in a way that requires them to submit personal data, to ask their parent or guardian to consent to submitting that data.
We may set age limits to participate in sweepstakes or other promotions. This restriction will then be mentioned in the terms and conditions of these activities. We may ask for certain personal data, like date of birth, to carry out age verification checks and enforce any such age restrictions.

3.6 Your Privacy Rights
Requests for access, correction and removal of your data

If you want to know what information we store about you, just ask and we will send you an overview of your personal information. No costs will be charged. If the information turns out to be inaccurate—or in case it appears to be stored in violation of data protection laws—we will correct or delete it. If you have an account on our websites or apps, you can also update your information yourself.

Requests to stop using your data

You can also ask us to not use your information anymore or to stop using it in a particular way, like for building profiles or sharing it with social media platforms (see 3.4 above). If you have given consent for the use of your information, you can withdraw that consent.

Questions and complaints

If you have a question about this Privacy statement, please send an email to
If you have a complaint about the way we use your information or how we respond to your requests and questions related to privacy, you can also send a complaint to your national Data Protection Authority.

How to contact us and how we respond to your request

Requests can be made by clicking on the contact link on the website that forwarded you to this Privacy statement or publishes this statement. You can also go to the contact page of the FrieslandCampina corporate website (, look for your brand or product and find the contact details of the appropriate FrieslandCampina group company. Alternatively, send an email to by indicating your country and how you’ve been in touch with FrieslandCampina. We will channel your request to the appropriate group company.
We may decline requests if we cannot verify your identity, your request is unreasonable or unspecific or in case your request jeopardizes the privacy of others. We will reply to you anyhow within four weeks.

We represent a whole new era of ingredient science

An exciting new brand from FrieslandCampina Ingredients, which represents a whole new era of ingredient science.

The health and wellbeing phenomenon

Consumers are more health-conscious and educated about their lifestyle choices than ever before.

Globally, 53% of consumers say they are interested in improving digestive health and 48% say they want to improve their mental wellbeing over the next twelve months.

FMCG Gurus report, Top Ten Trends for 2022

This trend has seen a sharp rise in demand for dietary supplements, like gummies and tablets, and functional food and drink, like shots, bars and vitamin drinks.

Which is where Biotis® comes in…

Biotis® — born from world-leading experience

Biotis® is an exciting new brand from FrieslandCampina Ingredients, which represents a whole new era of ingredient science.

We’re opening up new opportunities for our customers by tapping into our world-leading experience in infant, performance and medical nutrition to create fresh, innovative Health Benefit Solutions that work with the body’s natural processes throughout the human lifecycle.

Read more about us


Biotis Gut health

Ingredients that help support a healthy gut microbiome and a healthy digestive system.

Biotis Brain health

From sleep and mood enhancement, to improving mental focus, clarity and agility, to healthy ageing and resilience, Biotis® Brain health offers a spectrum of solutions.

Biotis Immune health

Our nutritional solutions provide high-quality bioactive protein and prebiotics. These may have anti-microbial and anti-viral effects, as well as modulating immune cell function and enhancing intestinal barrier function.

Solutions for natural immune support

Our solutions provide high-quality, bioactive proteins and prebiotics with scientifically validated benefits.

The new opportunity in immune health

Consumers continue to take a proactive approach to health improvement with immunity as a leading priority. The best medicine is preventative, and perhaps the prime example of this principle is our own amazing immune system.

Not surprisingly, consumer interest in immunity is at an all-time high, and as a result demand for supplements, ingredients and foods with immunity-supporting properties is accelerating1.

  • Learn more

    Prompted by consumer demand, the number of product launches featuring immune health claims has risen for several years in a row2. The market for supplements with immunity propositions has also grown significantly, with US sales increasing by 25% in 20203. These trends look set to accelerate in the wake of COVID-19.

    At the same time, consumers are becoming more educated and discerning in what they buy to support their immunity. They will actively seek out scientific substantiation – in fact, almost half say they regularly research ingredients to help decide on their best options4.

    This will lead to significant new opportunities for growth, as our increasing understanding of the human immune system leads to new solutions with scientifically validated benefits.

    • In 2019, 53% of consumers stated that they wanted to improve their immune health, but this rose to 70% in 2020.
    • 60% of surveyed consumers state they have become more conscious about their immune health as a result of COVID-195.
    • There has been an annual growth of +13% for new F&B products carrying an immunity claim between 2016 and 20206.
    • 40% stated they used more fortified drinks, whereas 16% stated that they used more supplements to improve their immune health5.
    • 27% of consumers think supplements are important to immune health. Peak interest is found among Millennials and younger Generation X 7.
    • There were far more launches of supplements with immune health claims compared to food and drinks in 20208.
    • 32% of global supplement launches tracked by Innova Market Insights in the 12 months to the end of March 2021 were launched with an immune health positioning, up from just under 26% over the previous 12 -month period6.

1Nutraingredients, May 2020; 2Mintel GNPD, April 2020; 3Nutrition Business Journal, April 2020; 4FMCG Gurus, 2020.
5FMCG Gurus, 2020; 6Innova Market Insights, 2021; 7Innova Trends Survey, 2020; 8New Hope Network, August 2020;

Introducing Biotis® Immune Health

Our immune health platform represents a whole new era of ingredient science.

We’re opening up new opportunities for our customers by tapping into our extensive experience in ingredients and innovative applications, as well as directing our focus towards exploring the beneficial impact of dairy on the immune system across the entire adult life span.

Numerous dairy-derived ingredients have already demonstrated their potential to form the basis of scientifically robust, immunity-supporting products. We look forward to co-creating with our customers to develop and bring these innovative products to market.

The human immune system

The human immune system is a breathtakingly sophisticated and complex triumph of evolution.

Our body seeks to maintain a state of physical and biochemical harmony and balance (called ‘homeostasis’), but this desirable state is constantly being threatened by invasion from disease-causing microbes such as bacteria and viruses.

These can enter our bodies through what we eat, through our skin (especially via wounds) and via the air that we breathe.

The immune system consists of dozens of different types of agents – specialist cells and biochemicals – whose sole job is to track down, identify and kill these pathogens.

At the same time these agents must ignore friendly bacteria and, of course, avoid over-reaction – attacking the body and its organs by mistake.

Dairy, health and immunity

For centuries, dairy, health and immunity have gone hand in hand. Dairy products provide protein that helps to build and maintain muscles, but are also packed full of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system.

Because the creation of immunity begins at birth, milk has a central role, and so it isn’t surprising to find that many of the ingredients within dairy can help maintain a healthy immune system1-3.

  • Learn more

    Dairy can both help our immune system to stay active, but also prevent it becoming hyperactive4. Both human5 and cow’s milk6 have been shown to contain antigens, immune modulators, prebiotics7 and antimicrobials.

    An important component of cow’s milk, whey protein is known to be a high-quality protein source for muscle protein synthesis, as it contains all nine essential amino acids, has a high leucine level and is easily digestible.

    In addition, many of the components in whey protein, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, have been shown to play an active role in supporting immunity8.

1Meyer et al., Ann Nutr Metab 2006;50(3):282-9; 2Olivares et al., J Dairy Res 2006;73(4):492-8; 3Ebringer et al., Folia Microbiol (Praha) 2008;53(5):378-94; 4Perdijk et al., Front Immunol 2018;9:143; 5Hosea Blewett et al., Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 2008; 54:45-80; 6van Neerven et al., J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012;130:853–8; 7ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics); Gibson et al., 2017; Substrates that are selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit; 8Ng, Tzi Bun, et al., Applied microbiology and biotechnology 99.17 (2015): 6997-7008.

The promise of lactoferrin

Lactoferrin is a globular glycoprotein found in human and bovine milk, which has been shown to provide multiple beneficial effects for immune health.

At Biotis® Immune Health, we are researching and developing the potential consumer benefits of lactoferrin, as well as exploring other complementary dairy ingredients and solutions in this rapidly growing area.

Antiviral – Antibacterial – Iron absorption

  • Learn more

    Lactoferrin has strong antiviral activity against a broad spectrum of both naked and enveloped DNA and RNA viruses4.

    Lactoferrin has also been shown to protect against bacteriological infection, both by competing with siderophilic bacteria for ferric iron2, and by various other mechanisms independent of its iron-binding ability3.

    Iron regulation
    With its very specific iron-binding properties, lactoferrin is emerging as an important regulator of iron homeostasis, avoiding iron accumulation in tissues and secretions – which causes iron deficiency in blood1.

1Paesano et al., Pathogens and Global Health 2012; 106(4):200-216; 2Fransson and Lönnerdal., J Pediatr. 1980;96(3 Pt 1):380-4; 3Kell et al., Front Immunol 2020;11:1221; 4Chen et al., Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(9):1957.

Lactoferrin – in demand globally

Lactoferrin is already widely known as a bioactive ingredient in many parts of the world.

Of those who are aware of the health benefits of lactoferrin, between 60 and 88 percent of consumers in the US, China, Japan, Korea, Australia and Indonesia regularly seek out products that contain it.

These consumers believe that lactoferrin reduces vulnerability to diseases and improves overall health and recovery. They tend to buy products containing lactoferrin as part of their daily health routine, or when they feel that they may be getting a cold.

Lactoferrin is gaining popularity in Europe as various research groups have independently published expectations that lactoferrin might be effective against COVID-191-4.

Recent clinical findings in Italy1 show that lactoferrin supplementation supports fast removal of the virus from the body. More controlled trials are ongoing to confirm efficacy.

1Campione et al., BioRxiv 2020:1–33; 2Serrano et al., Int J of Research in Health Sciences 8(1):8-15; 3Lang et al., PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e23710; 4Mirabelli et al., BioRriv 2020 bioRxiv. 2020 Jun preprint.

Biotis® Lactoferrin

Thanks to FrieslandCampina Ingredients’ expertise in lactoferrin production and our cutting-edge separation technique, Biotis® Lactoferrin features the highest and most consistent quality level on the global market.

We control the entire supply chain for Biotis® Lactoferrin, using our own raw milk for production, as well as gentle heat treatments to preserve nativity and immune bioactivity.

We work directly with our customers to help them deliver exciting new products and innovations to market, advising all the way from concept to prototype and eventually full product launch. For example, we are exploring prototype consumer products that can supply immunity-supporting nutrients in the most natural and convenient way possible.

Join us as we explore the possibilities for better immune health, globally.

Register for our newsletter and stay up to date on the latest about Biotis® Immune Health

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New Human Trial Shows Biotis® GOS Reduces Anxiety

Download the summary to learn more about all of the key findings.

New research on Biotis® GOS and mental well-being—we’ve summarised the key findings for you in this document.

A recent study with Biotis® GOS is the first well-controlled human study to demonstrate a clear link between GOS consumption, gut microbiota composition and mental well-being.

  • The aim of the study was to investigate whether the daily consumption of Biotis® GOS influences anxiety and mood measures in early adulthood in humans
  • 64 healthy women aged between 18 and 25 years of age participated in the study
  • The study was designed as a double-blind placebo-controlled 4-week GOS supplement intervention study

Want to know more? Download this document for a summary of the key findings.

Download your copy

And learn how Biotis® GOS showed the ability to support mental well-being.



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We're working on something exciting!

A new knowledge platform for the supplement and functional food and drink industries.

Sneak preview of the Biotis® Academy

Over the next few months, we’ll be rolling out the Biotis® Academy, a new platform that will provide information on the latest scientific research, communicate about important developments and share consumer and market insights that will help you stay one step ahead in the growing market for supplements and functional food and drink.

In our first videos for the Biotis® Academy, Dr Anne Schaafsma explains:

  • The role dietary tryptophan intake plays on the induction and maintenance of sleep
  • The sleep-wake cycle
  • How stress and diet impact our sleep

Check out the videos, and then join our mailing list below to make sure you don’t miss anything from the Biotis® Academy.

Tryptophan: Important for Stress and Sleep

Introduction to the Sleep-Wake Cycle

Orexin: The Wake-Up Call

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And get fresh insights and science delivered to your inbox once a month.

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White paper: The gut health benefits of Biotis® GOS

Discover how Biotis® GOS can help address the wide spectrum of adult gut health conditions for which consumers are actively seeking solutions.

Learn about Biotis® GOS, a robust science-backed solution to support gut health.

A growing number of consumers around the globe are experiencing functional digestive issues, which means the search is on for safe, effective and science-based solutions.

Prebiotics*, such as Biotis® GOS, provide exciting opportunities to help to address the wide spectrum of adult gut health conditions for which consumers are actively seeking solutions.

Download A closer look: the exciting gut health benefits of Biotis® GOS, developed by FrieslandCampina Ingredients today and learn:

  • Which kinds of supplements and functional foods and drinks consumers are prioritizing to take control of their health and well-being
  • Why galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are the prebiotics* leading the way when it comes to developing functional foods with a digestive health position
  • Which studies have researched the influence Biotis® GOS has on microbiota

*The scientific definition of a prebiotic is “A substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit.” Gibson, GR., et al. Expert consensus document: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the definition and scope of prebiotics. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Aug;14(8): 491–502. Whether the claim prebiotic can be used on consumer products depends on local legislation.

Download your free copy

And explore how you can take advantage of the latest science to deliver a good gut feeling.



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How Consumers Are Choosing To Support Their Immune Health

Our latest consumer trends and insights on immune health, and how brands can deliver.

Download the Infographic!

Understand the trends to tap into this growing market

Consumers are not just becoming more proactive when it comes to supporting their immune health – they understand the role it plays in overall good health, too.

Want to better understand how you can meet consumer needs by developing innovative, scientifically-proven products?

Download our latest consumer insights infographic to find out:

  1. Consumer attitudes towards immune health
  2. Which steps consumers are taking to support their immune health
  3. How brands can build trust and credibility with consumers
  4. Why lactoferrin can help manufacturers stand out in the immune health space

Get your copy now

And discover how you can help consumers support their immune health.


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